Clinic Locations

Milsons Point & Wentworth Falls

Mon - Fri

8am - 7pm

Tahoe 200 – A 200 Mile Foot Race in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Tahoe 200.  205 miles , 331 km’s. 10,000 + metre’s of ascent and descent. 100 hour cut off.


“The Tahoe 200 is an incredible journey around the largest alpine lake in North America. The route circumnavigates the sparkling, clear blue waters of Lake Tahoe from the Tahoe Rim Trail, occasionally detouring off the TRT to explore aspen meadows, rock gardens of giants, small impossibly blue lakes, thick canopied forests, and long ridge lines with stunning views.  The route is nothing less than magical.”


One of our more adventurous clients Adrian Nicholson travelled to the U.S. in 2017 to take on this 200 mile beast of a race. Here is his account of the adventure.


I can honestly say I have thought of the Tahoe 200 everyday for the past 2 years. In some small way at least.

Is this going to benefit Tahoe? Am I going to use this at Tahoe? Is this similar to the terrain at Tahoe? So many questions and thoughts occupied my mind daily.

I had whole heartedly committed to the event, written lists on the fridge, listened to many podcasts, watched every video and read every race report.

Races I needed to tick over prior , Buffalo Stampede , UTA ….. Tick Tick

Everything was going to plan……almost everything. Everything apart from the 4 months leading up to the race.

A string of little niggles, minor injuries and my attention needed elsewhere also work. You know how this part goes. Before you know you are running out of time and you’re on the plane.  So with one 50 k training run , a handful of 25 k runs I was off and about to tackle my biggest adventure yet.

Race week comes around and so does a head cold! Could not believe it. Underdone and sick ! Great.

Still, there was no way this wasn’t going to get done. I was committed.

As a lot of people were. The guys that were running the triple crown of 200’s, that’s 3 x 200miles. One in August , September , and October. Completely committed. Committed to themselves , to their crews and to the plan that got them there and the plan that would get them to the start of the next one.

The volunteers at aid stations , committed 100%.  No matter what the weather, no matter what malfunctions they had back stage they were there committed getting it done and loving it.

69 Year old Gene had committed to finishing Tahoe 200, he was actually committed to the triple crown. Yep.

Todd the Medic was committed to the wellbeing of all. Most importantly committed to peoples feet. Now thats commitment.

Regardless of the situation , there was no other option this was going to be completed.

Early on in the run a new friend and I were discussing why we do these events?

She said “ Because I know I’ll come out a different person”…….

How could you not, You are in an amazing landscape , surrounded by people that have committed themselves for 4 days to be a part of “the” adventure. The adventure of their runner , their crew, others’ runners, others’ crew and the volunteers. Everyone has got your back, everyone cares. Which is the most refreshing thing of all. I loved it.

After 78 hrs , many of  intense little pockets of conversation with complete strangers.. losing my voice, 1 ish hours of sleep, 2 snakes, a dishevelled evil couple slow dancing on a log  and not 1 gel…. my Tahoe 200 was over.

Commit to yourself, commit to the plan, commit to the goal, commit to the hallucinations.  Be in for the adventure! Commitment is key


