Clinic Locations

Milsons Point & Wentworth Falls

Mon - Fri

8am - 7pm


You can train harder if you recover faster

Training + Recovery = Improved Performance How much time, effort, thought and planning goes into your training each week? How much time, effort, thought and planning goes into your active recovery each week? If you want to improve your performance (race faster) then you need

Are you a cyclist with low bone density?

It is well known that exercise is good for the heart, lungs and brain. But there is one part of our body that is often overlooked: our bones. As we get older, our bones become less dense, which can ultimately lead to them becoming weak

Cyclists Stretching Guide

Cyclists Free Stretching Guide

Free Strength and Stretching Guide For Cyclists 5 Essential Exercises To Improve Your Cycling Performance Designed by the team at The Body Mechanic, this plan will help you start to improve your cycling from day one! It only takes 10 minutes, 2 to 3 times

Tour de Cure – Can4Cancer Ride

Can4Cancer Tour Bikefitting Sessions The Body Mechanic is coming to CBA on Thursday 21st September 2017 to fit you onto your bike     PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO BEFORE YOUR BIKE FITTING SESSION. IT DISCUSSES THE KEY ELEMENTS OF THE FITTING PROCESS AND WILL HELP

Tour de Cure – Can4Cancer – Walk 2017

Welcome to The Body Mechanic’s training program for the Can4Cancer Walk.   The aim of this program is to help you prepare for the 21km walk in October 2017. Throughout the weeks we will introduce a number of stretches and exercises which will help you keep

Is 180 the magic number for running cadence?

    Jack Daniels, a highly regarded U.S. running coach and author of “Daniels’ Running Formula” studied all of the runners at the 1984 Olympic Games in every event from the 800m through to the marathon. He found that almost without exception they had a

TBM Cycling Kit – V2

  TBM have teamed up with Attaquer once again to produce a fresh new kit design.   Morph Performance, our in-house Lactate Threshold Testing partners, feature on one sleeve, with Attaquer and TBM logos also prevalent.    

Train Smarter and Race Faster with Lactate Threshold Testing

Jon Fong is a High Performance Coach and Master Sports Scientist for Morph Performance.   Regardless if you are a newbie, competitive age grouper or elite athlete, the amount of time and effort put into training for your upcoming endurance event is pretty sizeable. It’s

Juny Yang – Debut Marathon – Gold Coast 2016.

    7:15 at the start line: So here I am, 6 months of preparation and several injuries later, running my first Marathon. Everything had been perfect this morning: had a relatively good sleep, was able to take some food and water and best of

When is it time to buy new runners?

Article written by Pip Coates on April 6th 2016 for Executive Style     Of all the questions surrounding the relatively simple sport of running, one of the curliest has to be how to know when it’s time for new shoes. You don’t want to

The best performance enhancing drug for runners

Article written by Pip Coates on Feb 10th 2015 for Executive Style     Being a coffee drinker, I feel somewhat out of sorts if by lunchtime I haven’t had my daily hit. It works best for me mid- to late-morning – it gives me

Does running short distances help your training?

Article written by Pip Coates on March 10th 2015 for Executive Style       Here’s how the conversation typically goes: “I was planning to go for a one-hour run but don’t have time now.” “You could go for 30 minutes; just a quickie.” “Waste

Could you run your age in kilometres?

Article written by Pip Coates on May 5th 2015 for Executive Style     What is it about an impending milestone birthday that makes people decide to take on a major physical challenge? As in: “I’m about to turn 40, so I’m going to run

Why running up hills is easier than down

Article written by Pip Coates on May 18th 2015, for Executive Style     I have a go-to run that serves the purpose of providing plenty of hill training, pretty scenery and is exactly a 10km loop from my front door. A perfect no-brainer run.

Your GPS tracker can cause more harm than good

Article written by Pip Coates, August 25th, 2015 for Executive Style       I have a collection of running watches that have served me well over the years, although you certainly couldn’t call me a tech addict. For me, the GPS watch has been

WellBeing Running

Mark contributed to an article in the “Wellbeing Running” publication about the steps you can take to help improve your running performance, including advice on technique, nutrition, which experts you should see and what groups you can join. Click on this link to read the

Is your MTB’s bar shape wrong?

Rethink your hand position for greater handlebar control and comfort Stand with your hands by your sides, loosely closed into a fist with a pen in each hand. Now, bend your elbows so your hands are out in front of you. If you have kept

Is your road handlebar right for you?

Is your road handlebar right for you? ‘Just like pedals, bikes should come without handlebars’     Road bikes are commonly sold without pedals. In addition to keeping the price down, bike manufacturers know that cyclists are picky when it comes to choosing pedal systems.

Should you be pedalling in circles?

Your wheels are round. Your cassette is round. Your chainrings are probably round too. So it makes sense that your pedal stroke should be round. Or does it?     Duncan, a long-term client of The Body Mechanic, recently finished a Sydney-based 50km mountain bike event

TBM Cycling Kit

TBM Limited Edition Cycle Kit The Body Mechanic have collaborated with Attaquer to design a custom cycling kit and we are making it available to all TBM clients. Orders will be placed with the manufacturer within the next three weeks. Our choice to team up

Why do male runners really shave their legs?

Article written by Pip Coates on August 11th 2015 for Executive Style         If you’ve got great legs, why not show them off? That’s pretty much been the rule for women, so why not men? Of course, women have also usually got

Nike Zoom Kiger 2 – A trail shoe review

  Most Important Stats: Pitch = 4mm Weight = 8.5 Oz (mens size 10) For the technically inclined click on this link to see the official spec sheet:  Kiger Specs   This is a great new trail shoe from Nike. It has a relatively minimalist

Flat handlebars- an ergonomic disaster?

Some time back in the trailblazing mountain bike days (circa Ned Overend / John Tomac), it was decided that the best hand position for piloting your Schwinn down a slope was with the palms facing towards the ground. Since then, aside from the adoption of

TNF Training – How to manage the “big volume” weeks

With only a few short weeks to go until the TNF, most runners will now be undertaking their biggest training volume. The base should already have been laid, and now the combination of a long run in the weekend, as well as an interval and/or

Altitude Training

This research article is a meta-analysis explaining the ins and outs of altitude training – what sort of training you might benefit from and what those potential benefits will be. Click on this link: <Altitude Training>

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