Ultra Trail Australia On-Course Training Runs
Train with experts for UTA 2025. Get out on the UTA to improve your knowledge, meet friends, learn trail tips and tricks and have fun!
Pain and injury can leave you feeling like a part of you is ‘missing.’ In our experience, active people simply aren’t the same when they can’t participate in activities they love.
With an early, accurate assessment and diagnosis, comprehensive treatment plan, and, at a cost that won’t break the bank, we can guarantee a safe, speedy return to sport and general activities.
Train with experts for UTA 2025. Get out on the UTA to improve your knowledge, meet friends, learn trail tips and tricks and have fun!
Cycling Cadence – What is it and how do you improve it? If you’ve ever watched professional cyclists, or the Tour de France, you’ve probably admired the way they seem to glide along effortlessly at speeds of up to 60km/h. Skilled cyclist’s legs move in
Exercising in the heat is always hardest when the weather first starts warming up in spring and early summer. It takes your body a while to adapt, but the adaptations happen much faster than you might think. You just need to do the right things